Automate Your Life with Smart Home Technology
What if a lot of your necessary home tasks took care of themselves for you? You come home to a perfectly lit home, the garage door opens, the door unlocks, the alarm disarms, and the thermostat is set to your ideal comfortable temperature. Sound too good to be true? Well think again, because this is a picture we’ve recreated again and again for our clients. If you need a little more convincing of just how easy it is to automate your life with smart home technology, let’s go over it.
Shades And Lights
You have the freedom to customize your automatic shades to fit your exact lifestyle. Schedule them to open in the mornings so you can peacefully wakeup to the sun. Set them to close in the evening at your preferred time and the lights can automatically come on to your preferred brightness. And with many options they can be customized to fit any style preference!
Total Home Control
Remember that picture we painted earlier about coming home and having everything work effortlessly and fluidly around you? From security to temperature and energy savings to entertainment, all of these smart home devices can work together seamlessly to help make your life comfortable, convenient, and safe, and all from one convenient control panel or your smartphone. No matter your lifestyle we can help you create a system that works for you.
Safe And Secure
The advantages of smart home security are many. Being able to rely on a system that’s smart, intuitive, and easily accessible will make you and your family instantly feel more secure. With the press of a button on your smartphone, you can arm your alarm or turn on security lights. Smart security systems will monitor your home’s different areas and notify you of any unexpected visitors. They also have the ability to self monitor themselves so that they always stay up to date.
Comfort And Convenience
How many times have you gotten in bed and thought “Ugh, I forgot to set the thermostat” or worse left for a trip and realized the same thing! Smart thermostats solve that problem. Being able to set the temperature from your phone anywhere eliminates the worry of forgetting to set the temperature. Setting the temperature isn’t something you have to worry about when you’re stepping out the door as smart thermostats can learn your schedule and monitor when no one’s home. No more cooling an empty house!
Here at Dominion Design & Integration, we use cutting edge smart home technology to create solutions to everyday problems to make our client’s lives easier. Call us today and let us know how we can help you.